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Technical and sales support

Chain & Hardware

Chain & Hardware

Whether it’s drive chains, conveyor chains or lifting chains, we only offer products from manufacturers who share our aim of offering premium products for the best prices whilst simultaneously never compromising on great customer service.

In addition to chains, we also stock sprockets, taper bore bushes, connecting links, and chain tensioners from the world’s leading brands.

Get in touch with us for more information about our full technical site survey, which includes advice on extending chain life and suggesting alternative products for increased reliability and reduced total cost of ownership.

Some of the Chain & Hardware brands Leicester Bearings supplies…

We stock and supply all types of chain from the world’s leading manufacturers, as well as offering full technical advice and support. Available in cut lengths or boxed quantity, Leicester Bearings are here to assist you with your Chain requirements.


Sprockets, Platewheels, pilot bored, taper lock and machined to your bore and key specifications, we are ready for all your enquiries at Leicester Bearings.

Couplings & Bushes

Flexible couplings, rigid couplings, tyre couplings, shaft fixing devices, locking collars, taper lock bushes and coupling inserts – Enquire at Leicester Bearings and we can provide you with the components you require.